Category Leadership

On Change

It’s no secret we’re facing momentous change given the election…

Don’t call The Do Lectures a conference. So what is it, exactly?

The Do Lectures are hard to describe. Some say it’s like Ted meets Burning Man on farm. Others will say it’s about uniting the Doers of the world and sharing stories. Whatever you do, don’t call it a conference though. Where else can you go sleep in a Tipi with strangers, shower outside and hear the most amazing stories?

What is your now?

Now. Not later. Now. We like to keep our options…

Big Enough… Yet Small Enough

The concept of big-enough-yet-small-enough is designed to appeal to everyone, offend no one and encompasses every possibility. A company needn’t worry about missing an opportunity to reach an audience they didn’t even know existed! For this reason, this concept is about as bad as it gets. It’s so overused and watered down, any company, let alone advertising agency or creative, should be ashamed to present this as a credible option.